For buying and selling and knowing the price of Sayer dates, you can refer to the centers related to the production and sale of different types of dates in the market. Reputable internet sites and applications are also one of the fastest and easiest ways to find out the wholesale prices of different types of dates and Sayer wholesale price including other ways.

Sayer wholesale price list

is Sayer a kind of dates?

is Sayer a kind of dates? Sayer dates are one of the types of dates that are produced in hot places and are much sweeter than other types of dates. It is dark brown and oval in color and dissolves in water due to its sweetness. The kernel can be easily removed without much meat sticking to it

Sayer dates can be stored for a long time and about 15 months in covered warehouses and at room temperature without any problems, and therefore it is suitable for export and has many fans inside and outside the country, and is the most economical and economical type. Iranian dates are for global and of course domestic consumption.

Sayer dates are among the dates with high nutritional value, which due to having a variety of vitamins, very high sugar, minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus as one of the best dates, especially for children and their snacks. Sayer dates are very effective as a digestive substance and the high iron content of these dates is also useful for people with anemia. The high sugar content of this type of date helps activists, including athletes, to have the high energy and calories needed for an intense workout.

Sayer dates are available in date markets. Also, online stores with high quality and cheap prices can be purchased easily and quickly with different packages, volumes and prices.

organic Sayer wholesale price

organic Sayer wholesale price .All kinds of dates are produced in hot and southern regions, especially in the city of Khuzestan.Sayer dates are also abundant in these areas and have many applicants due to their useful properties and are produced in large quantities.

A variety of natural and organic dates, including organic Sayer dates, are ready to be purchased at wholesale prices in the country’s markets through agencies that are in contact with reputable producers.

These dates can be ordered online in bulk in different and suitable packages.

The price of major Sayer dates depends on items such as the type and grade of the date, the type of packaging and its size.

 For information on the wholesale Sayer price, you should refer to the markets related to buying and selling dates. Also, relevant reputable online sites and stores and common applications list the prices of different types of dates and sell them in different volumes and packages. For the convenience of the customer and to satisfy them, they send the product in the shortest possible time and sometimes even free of charge.

From the producers of dates and their reputable agencies everywhere you can find the price of Sayer dates. Bulk and direct purchase without brokers from the mentioned centers will greatly reduce the price.

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