Harvesting in medjool dates is done manually and in several stages and the fruits should be placed in a single layer on wooden or plastic trays and after bringing their moisture to 26-20% (sunbathing or passing the tray containing fruits From the hot air tunnel of 52 degrees for a few minutes) to be marketed. Therefore, our company is one of the medjool dates supplier at cheapest price and distributes this product throughout the country.

medjool dates supplier at cheapest price

What is the difference between Medjool dates and regular dates?

What is the difference between Medjool dates and regular dates?

Difference between Piarom and  medjool dates: Piarom is the name of one of the types of dates that are cultivated in Hajiabad city of Hormozgan province.

‌In the south of the country and the northernmost point of Hormozgan province, right at the end of the Zagros mountain range, there are mountainous areas that can be said to grow one of the most delicious semi-dry dates in the world. This date is called Pyaram in the local dialect.

Piarom cultivar is a commercial and first class type which is considered as a special export cultivar due to its suitable quality and marketability. So far, this product has been able to attract the attention of global markets.

The thin skin of this date is dark brown and due to the fact that its flesh and skin are completely adhered to each other, it has a beautiful and desirable appearance and its washing process is complete and due to the fact that most of the sugar in it is fructose. It can be used easily and quickly in the body’s fuel system, and those who have consumed this date once, due to its very good taste, desirable appearance and other nutritional properties, usually become regular consumers of this date.

Piarom dates are rich in sugars, proteins and other minerals and have a high nutritional value and due to the high tolerance of palm to salinity, it has been cultivated in a large area of ​​Hajiabad gardens.

The villages of Sarchahan, Tazarj, Madanouieh, Shahdadi, Baraftab, Dehin and Bala villages, , Daragah, Gahkam, Ganj, Dasht-e Seyed Jozar, Jain … in Hajiehabad city are the main points of Pyaram date production.

medjool dates are one of the sweetest types of dates that many call the “king of dates”. medjool dates are very famous due to their large size and pleasant taste. The size of medjool dates reaches about 7 cm. Although medjool is classified as a soft date, it is harder and more elastic than many soft dates. This feature makes Magul a great choice for commercial date production.

There are many different types of dates around the world, but medjool dates are one of the two most commercially produced varieties in the United States. Most produce comes from Deglet Noor (or Nour) dates, but the nuts are larger, softer and sweeter.

Dates can be eaten fresh or dried, but it is often drying that increases their shelf life and prevents premature spoilage.

medjool dates have a dark brown skin with a flavor that is described as similar to caramel. Dear customers, you can visit our company website to buy the best medjool dates and have this product delivered to your door.

medjool dates supplier at affordable price

medjool dates supplier at affordable price

A single date palm can be very effective both individually and group planting can be really spectacular and attractive. medjool palm is resistant to long-term salinity and drought, and after the growth and strength of roots in the ground, it can survive for a long time without irrigation. Since our company is one of the dates suppliers in Iran, it sells medjool dates at a reasonable price.

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